A Comprehensive Guide to Pet Cats

Cats are just as complicated and unique as you are, and if you look around enough, you’ll find the perfect little companion for your personality and lifestyle. While cats aren’t quite as social or needy as dogs, they still love to socialize and spend time with their owners! Here’s what you need to know to give your first cat a great home and a great life.

Am I the Right Fit for a Cat?

If you’re asking this question, then you’re already ahead of the game. Bringing a living, social animal into your home is no small thing, and changing your mind after adopting a pet can be really hurtful for them. If you love animals, get along well with cats, and want to give your pet the best life possible, then you’re absolutely the right fit to be a pet parent!

As far as adopting pets goes, cats tend to fit better into the modern busy workweek than other pets. They’re low maintenance, appreciate some alone time, and are very independent. And when you get home, they’re happy to curl up with you, play some games, or get some fresh air with you.

What about going on vacations and long getaways? Cats might be a lot more independent than dogs, but they still need someone to check in on them and refresh their food and water. (Lonely cats also tend to wander off in search of company!) All that to say, your cat still depends on you. 

What Do Cats Need?

Cats flourish in loving homes with constant access to a warm interior and the outdoors. Naturally, cats love to hunt and prowl around outside. This adds an immense variety to their lives and keeps them healthy and happy. Likewise, they love to have meaningful relationships with people — even if that’s from a bit of a distance, depending on the cat! 

Cats tend to get along with children well, but it’s important that parents teach their kids not to crowd, push, or pull on their pets. This can be very distressing for a cat and erode their trust in the people around them. 

As for their diets, cats are meat lovers! Like most pets, the unfortunate norm is to serve them bland kibble with an impossibly long shelflife. But canned cat food is a bit fresher and a lot tastier, and freshly cooked meats like beef, chicken, and turkey are a good way to put your cat on cloud nine! A mix between prepared cat foods and some fresh meats to snack on from time to time will give them a well-rounded, delicious diet.

What’s the Deal with Cat Breeds?

There are plenty of different types of cats, and their breeds have some influence on their personalities, likes, and dislikes. But overall, most adopted cats are “moggies,” which are domestic mixes of a bunch of cats, like “mutts” in dogs. It’s best to meet a cat and see how you get along, educate yourself on their breed makeup to provide them with a suitable lifestyle, and adopt any cat that need a home!

One of the most obvious day-to-day differences in types of cats is long-haired or short-haired. If you don’t want to vacuum all the time, then long-haired cats might be a bit much. But short-haired cats shed too. On that note, all cats like to sharpen their claws, so make sure you get a scratching post and accept that sometimes they’ll use your nice furniture!

As for age, kittens might be cute, but that’s no reason to adopt a cat. Keep in mind that you’re taking care of an animal for around fourteen years — and they’ll only be kittens for a few months. There are plenty of adult cats who really need homes too, but any kitten or cat would be happy to befriend you!

Help a Cat, Help Yourself

Pets are remarkable at keeping us healthy — they get us off the couch, give us plenty of love, and bring us so much joy. If you’re an animal lover, you may benefit from an emotional support animal or exploring animal-assisted therapy. I’d be happy to give you more information. Feel free to read more here or contact me!